Thursday, 27 October 2011

Some more stuff

I probably should just go back on Twitter, but until I do, here are some more random thoughts for today.

Once again, soup is still teh awesomz.

I really wish our German teacher at school had taught us the words to 99 Luftballons. Would've come in handier than 'Where is the swimming pool?'. Not that I can even remember how to say that, mind.

The digital reading system in my work keeps reading Stereophonics as Stereophonies. This amuses me no end.

Apparently it's the 50th anniversary this year of Catch-22. Moving away from the fact that I'm terrified that anything in the 60s was 50 years ago (although once my siblings get to that age I'll be laughing my ass off), I really should read it again. It's probably my favourite book - I decided to design and write my own piece of coursework for English A Level back in the day instead of the set assignment, and I ended up writing an essay on Catch-22 and how it was influenced by the social and political goings on of the day. It probably seems unbelievably obvious now, but I was rather proud of myself for coming up with that topic, and writing all about McCarthyism and that (I love Cold War-era history). Did pretty well on it too. I can still remember sitting in the library giggling far too much at the book and getting weird looks from the people around me. Apparently the idea of chuckling at a piece of literature was alien to them all.

No matter how much I try, I can never manage to learn all the lyrics to rap songs. My flow is absolutely shocking, frankly.

I wonder if more chair dancing would tone up my butt a bit? Does anyone know how to turn chair dancing into a cardio workout that no one else in the office would really notice? I honestly think I'd be at least one dress size smaller if I went out dancing more. Mostly because I dance like an epileptic windmill.

It is 33 minutes to official hometime. I was going to try to stay to finish off something, but I'm literally aquiver with the excitement of getting the hell out of here, so 33 minutes to go!

I was considering trying to write a novel in lolspeak for NaNoWriMo, but I realised that would probably make it more difficult to make the word count. Plus I'm not sure if it's technically a novel if you include pictures of cats every 3 paragraphs.

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