It's a pretty sad state of affairs when you're jealous of the people on the FBI's Most Wanted list, cos at least someone wants them.
Hob Nobs have oats or whatever in them - that makes them ok for breakfast, right?
I want noms. I has no noms. I has sad face.
I wish I'd bought more than one of this t shirt. I really should've known that a three quid t shirt out of Primark wouldn't last that long.
Hearing Led Zeppelin on the shitty commercial radio station that I'm forced to listen to at work is a little disorientating. Not that I'm complaining, it's just....odd.
I'm getting increasingly addicted to biting my lips. Is this the start of a sinister cannabalism penchant?
And now some Garth Brooks type country shit is on the radio. Hold me.
I identify with far too many of the Socially Awkward Penguin memes. Faaaaaaaar too many.
Shopping for a new duvet after work may turn out to be the highlight of my week.
Why do I always rip the first tissue out of a new box whilst trying to get it out? Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me? Answers on a postcard plz.
Why is it that I only ever want to do things that I'm unprepared for? For instance I've taken a notion to print off some photos (thanks to my belated Instagram obsession) but can I find a memory stick or anything to put them on? Hmph, can I fuck as like.
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