Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Hunt for Health. Fuckin hell.

Right, I haven't posted here in a while and I was hoping that I'd maybe come back to the oul blogging thing with something sensational and insightful and inspiring and generally amazing and brilliant and really well thought out, but today's cabinet reshuffle has somewhat taken over my best intentions and I need to have a bit of a rant about that instead.


Giving Jeremy Hunt - the biggest fucking tool in his cabinet, possibly (and god knows, that's saying something), and giving him a PROMOTION???? To the fucking HEALTH DEPARTMENT???!!! Jesus fucking wept. We'll be lucky if the NHS lasts till the end of the day with that wee wankshaft in charge.

I mean for pity's sake, has he no sense?! Everything that Hunt the Cunt fucked up over the News International bid, the fact that inquiry clearly showed him up to be an idiot who couldn't run a paper round let alone a bloody ministry, and who had no idea of what was and wasn't professionally appropriate. I mean, how did he get to be a minister in the first place, was it like, "Collect twelve crisp packets and become a government minister" things? 

To let him stay in the cabinet at all was bloody ridiculous, this was Cameron's opportunity to get him out quietly without having to fire him after all the News International bid stuff, but to give him Health?! The health service in the UK is in complete disarray, it needs completely reorganised and reinvigorated, and its principles and priorities re-examined and reaffirmed. It does not need reduced to cinders, which is what will happen approximately 3.5 hrs after Hunt gets to his new office. There is no way in hell he is competent enough - let alone inspired, insightful or astute enough - to make the sort of changes that need to be made. 

This is quite literally people's lives that Cameron is dicking around with - I mean, would you want this twat:
anywhere near your healthcare decisions?

Just when you think the country can't get any more screwed, along come the Tories. Well done, lads. Well done.

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